Flopsy Example


Turbo Charge Your Poker Intuition by Mastering Combos

A complete understanding of combo distributions (which combos are in your opponent's range, which combos are possible and which combos are blocked) is required to truly master exploitative and game theory driven play.

Flopsy uses rapid testing and an educatoinal user interface to give you that understanding.

About the demo: The demo consists of six sample situations (hand + flop + villain's range) and an accompanying question for each. The app is fully functional in the demo. Please explore the "question page" in full. As well as using the combo breakdowns to answer the current question, you can see the combo distribution for all other hands in villian's range.

Click the "View Full Statistics" button to see how Flopsy tracks your progress over time. The demo statistics page contains sample data.

You can repeat the demo as many times as you like, but the same six situations and questions will be used each time.

About a subscription: The subscription costs $11.99/month. The subscription means you have unlimited access to Flopsy's training tool. Flopsy generates new situations and questions continuously, so you'll never run out of training. You will also have instant access to our latest features and be able to provide feedback to help shape the app to your needs.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Flopsy.